Dear friend,

It’s great to have you here. I hope you have insightful conversations with our chatbots. They can be really helpful, perhaps even change your life if you receive the right insight that you need, right at this moment.

Insights” go by many names. Ray Dalio call them “principles” and attribute his outstanding success to having a few of the right ones. Tony Robbins calls them “distinctions” and believe in “ the power and value of gaining even one, single distinction—a sole piece of information—that can be used to change the course of your life.” There are also great blogs specifically about insights such as I’m forever grateful for the right insights that came into my life, especially ones that came early, to help guide me to a life of happiness and meaning.

At its essence, NSpace’s mission is to deliver the right insight, at the right time, expressed in the right way to help you become happier. I imagine a world where everyone would get wise guidance to do the right thing for themselves and their loved ones. For most of us, this includes a few basic things such as exercising more, nurturing relationships, managing our finances well. There are, however, more complex situations that require more in-depth analysis and guidance: early career choices, treatment options when we’re sick, trade-offs in business management, etc. The right insight, at the right time, expressed in the right way can help. Moreover, the insights don’t come from NSpace team. They come from experts who have insights to deliver but don’t yet have the most effective platform and technology to do that (other than thousand-year-old method of writing book). NSpace develops the technology and the platform, in the form of chatbots.

Chatbots as a product category may cause expectations. Thus, I’d start with a few things that NSpace chatbots are NOT:

  • AI emotional companions: Chatbots in general seem to be a great fit to create emotional bond. Even before the current hype around AI, likely hundreds of millions of people everywhere already spent time with chatbots to find emotional companionship. It’s a huge use case but not one I believe in. I’d prefer to live in a community where people spend less, not more, time on their phones and computers, and only for the things that truly make us happy.

  • A tool to help you do things faster: There are already too many of efficiency tools, from search engines, to writing tools, to automation tools etc. If NSpace were yet another efficiency software, its chance of contribution will be much less. On another level, I believe most of us have enough and are efficient enough in our work thanks to such huge number of fantastic tools. Getting more, doing even more may not move the needle on our happiness.

What NSpace chatbots are:

  • AI intellectual companions: NSpace is designed for you to pick up when you need to solve a problem effectively, then for you to put it away when that is done. Engagement for NSpace is defined only within its deliberate usage by user, to make it a fun tool to use.

  • A tool to help you become more effective: NSpace is designed to help you to get the “right” thing, focus your efforts on the “right” thing. For example, sometimes we think that our unhappiness is due to lack of material things but in reality, it’s due to our being disconnected from our immediate community. In that situation, just recognizing the reality would help us much to become happier.

I created its first incarnation as an insight collection app for my personal use. I still love and use the app frequently. Users’ feedback was that while insights are great, they are too compact, too hard to understand and even harder to apply into one’s life. That stalled me for a year. At times, I thought that delivering insights to a person via technology would be an impossible task. Perhaps we should just all browse through books, read them and adapt the lessons by ourselves for our own use. However, when the latest wave of LLMs came about in late 2022, I found the technology to be a great-fit. Chatbots may be able to deliver what books can’t: a personalized piece of wisdom. That realization was when I started to develop this current set of NSpace chatbots and its underlying technology.

For now, these chatbots are premade but anyone will soon be able to plugin their own pieces of wisdom to deliver to the world or to themselves, just like writing their own books, only easier. I developed NSpace by myself for a long time. Now, we’re a small team, still dedicated as ever and love what we do. We hope the community will find what we create useful enough for us to continue to deliver on our mission.

I hope you’ll check it out and come back often as we improve it further.

Kind regards,

Long Le
Founder & CEO, NSpace

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